
Gum Enlargement Therapy

Gingival enlargement is referred to an increase in the size of the gingiva. Gingival enlargement is caused by a number of factors, which includes inflammatory conditions and the side effects of certain medications.

Gingival enlargement is categorized into 5 groups:

  • Inflammatory enlargement
  • Drug induced enlargement
  • Enlargement associated with systemic diseases or conditions
  • Neoplastic enlargement
  • False enlargement

Causes of Gingival enlargement

The following are a few causes of Gingival enlargement:

Inflammatory enlargement

Gingival enlargement is caused due to a number of reasons. The most common reason is chronic inflammatory gingival enlargement, when the gingivae are soft and discolored. This is caused due to edema and infective cellular infiltration caused due to exposure of bacterial plaque and is treated with periodontal treatment.

Gingivitis and gingival enlargement are seen in mouth breathers due to irritation brought by surface dehydration. The formation of plaque is the main cause of inflammatory gingival enlargement. Risk factors include poor oral hygiene and physical irritation of the gingival caused due to improper orthodontic and restorative appliances.

Drug-induced enlargement

Also termed as drug induced gingival enlargement may associate with the administration of 3 different classes of drugs. Gingival overgrowth is a side effect of phenytoin termed as Phenytoin-induced gingival overgrowth.

Many diseases can result in oral manifestations that include gingival enlargement, few of them are related to certain conditions such as:

  • Pregnancy
  • Puberty
  • Vitamin C deficiency
  • Nonspecific, such as a pyogenic granuloma

Systemic disease causing enlargement

  • Leukemia
  • Granulolomatous diseases, such as granulomatosis with polyangiitis, sarcoidosis, or orofacial granulomatosis.
  • Neoplasm
  • Benign neoplasms, such as fibromas, papillomas and giant cell granulomas
  • Malignant neoplasms, such as a carcinoma or malignant melanoma
  • False gingival enlargements, such as when there is an underlying bony or dental tissue lesion

Laser Crown Lengthening Procedures

Crowns are the upper visible part of the teeth. In case if the crown is not properly visible due to the excess covering of the gum, a crown lengthening procedure is performed. An irregular gum can take away the clarity of smile. Even when a new crown is made to be implant a proper satisfaction of the appearance is never attained unless a proper boundary is set to the gum.

In a crown lengthening process the gum attached to the teeth is move so as to attain a proper visibility of the crown. With crown lengthening one can improve the appearance and the aesthetic features. The crown lengthening is one of the important procedures carried out in the smile correction process.

The Crown lengthening is also performed by the dentist to have a proper visibility while performing various dental oriented treatments. Certain treatment requires additional access in to the gum to certain level. The dentist may trim off certain portion of the gum tissues in order to avail the access for the treatment procedure.

Example the treatment for gum infection requires access to the deep under the gum, and the dentist will trim off the gum tissue in order to reach the decay or infection for treatment. The crown lengthening procedure can be performed with the help of the laser technology, which can result in the most accurate lengthening process. The crown lengthening process is mostly carried out in a straight forward method, with the least discomfort in the post-operative period. All the dressing and sutures are removed in a two weak gap after the crown lengthening process.

Various Flap Surgeries using Lasers

Flap surgeries involves lifting of a section of gum to performs Dental oriented treatments like cleaning , restructuring of teeth and surrounding bones, repairing ,etc. Our clinic has got all advanced facility to carry out various flap surgery for our patients. We also make use of advanced laser technology for carrying out various flap surgery.

Flap surgery is also performed as a part of reconstructive surgery. The flap surgery makes use of various tools to lift up a part of gum that is attached to the teeth which is called as flaps. The lifting of the flaps is performed to attain a proper access to the area involving the treatments.

When lasers are used in flap surgery it would result in the least loss of blood due to bleeding and can even reduce the pain incurred during the surgery. The patient may be provided with aesthesia to get sedate during the surgical process. The flap surgery will be required for any treatment involving the root of the teeth.

The flap surgery may also be performed reshaping the gum and for various other treatment for improving the appearance. Our dental hospital is facilitated with the most advanced technology of lasers to provide various flap oriented surgeries to our patients. The cost of various surgeries are made to minimal with the help of an optimised schedule of treatment plans made by our specialised dentist.

Apicoectomy is not similar to a root resection, wherein entire root is removed rather than just the tip.

Initially, you will have a consultation with our dentists. Generally, endodontists will carry out this procedure. Dentists may take X-rays and will give an antimicrobial mouth rinse and anti-inflammatory medication prior to surgery. If you have high blood pressure or epinephrine in local anesthetics, let your dentist know at the time of consultation. The epinephrine will constrict your blood vessels to prevent bleeding near the area. Sometimes, you may feel your heart beat rate speed up after you receive the local anesthetic, but this will subside within few minutes.

Apicoectomy Procedure

The Endodontist will cut and lift the gum from the tooth so as to make the root easily accessible. The infected tissue will be removed with the few millimeters of the root tip. Dentist will use a dye that highlights cracks and fractures in the tooth. In case of tooth crack or fracture, it should be extracted and the apicoectomy cannot be performed.

In order to complete the apicoectomy, 3 to 4 millimeters of the tooth’s canal is cleaned and sealed. The cleaning is done with the help of microscope using ultrasonic instruments. Surgical microscope increases the chances of success because the light and magnification enables the endodontist to see the area better. Most procedures take between 30 to 90 minutes, based on the location of the tooth and complexity of the root structure.

If you are looking for the best Endodontist in Hyderabad, consult doctors of Vijay Dental hospital to get the best results.



Frenectomy is a procedure that involves removal of a frenulum, a small fold of tissue that prevents an organ in the body. It is also termed as frenula in various places on the body. Frenectomy is performed inside the middle of upper lip known as labial frenectomy or under the tongue known as lingual frenectomy. It is a very common dental procedure in the dental world and is carried out in both children and adults.


People who have large frenums beneath their tongues cannot move their tongue freely, hence they should undergo the process. The condition of limited tongue mobility is referred to as ankyloglossia or tongue tie. Lingual frenectomy will remove the fold of tissue so that the tongue can move freely once again. The following are a few conditions where this procedure is required:

  • In infants, tongue tie will interfere with feeding
  • When your child starts talking at twelve to eighteen months, sometimes you may notice that they are having a hard time talking
  • Teenagers may notice that the frenum under their tongue gets stuck between their teeth
  • When frenum is pulling the child’s gum tissue away from the lower front teeth and resulting in periodontal trouble

Frenectomy procedure

Dentist will use a scalpel or a laser to remove the frenum. However, laser can minimize bleeding, reduce the need for sutures and cause less pain but it is expensive. On the other hand, scalpel can result in more sutures. Young children need general anaesthesia while older children and adults may opt for local anaesthesia with or without nitrous oxide. The surgical process will be completed in a quarter of an hour.

Frenectomies will take a couple of weeks to heal. Patients are required to take over-the-counter non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to get relief from pain.

If you are interested in Frenectomy, then you can consult the dentists of Vijay dental who have years of experience in providing treatment for various dental issues.

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