Pediatric Dentistry

Tooth Extraction

Tooth Extraction is a process by which the tooth is pulled out or removed from the patients jaw. Tooth extraction might become necessary when there is a situation where the damaged or broken tooth cannot be fixed or repaired. Tooth extraction is also performed when any tooth comes in to the way of another tooth and blocks its growth or even when a tooth causes an abnormal aesthetic issue.

There may be severe issues for the tooth extraction process to be carried out quickly so that it can prevent the spreading of decaying and infection. Tooth Extraction process involves the usage of special tools by the dentist to remove the teeth out of the jaw. Before attempts are made for the tooth extraction a general anaesthesia is provided to the patient to numb the area of the tooth extraction.
The anaesthesia can prevent the patient from feeling the pain and can even make the patient to fall into sleep during the extraction process. Once the tooth extraction is performed the bleeding is made to stop by making the patient to bite a cotton gauze pad on to the wound. The dentist may also perform the stitching on to the wounds if the extraction of the tooth has caused a severe bleeding. Once a tooth extraction is performed, it will require a minimum of three to four days for healing.

Pediatric Treatment under Sedation

When the treatment is made on to the children, there may be occasion to provide anaesthesia to children in order to carry out the dental treatment successfully. It is a common phenomenon that the children might get frighten when they are taken to the treatment facility, and it might cause improperness for the treatment involving surgeries, when they are treated with their conciseness as they move due to fear.

To solve this issue it might be necessary to sedate the children before the treatment to carry out the treatment procedure effectively. For the children required minor dental treatment are provided with a local aesthesia. And for complex or sever treatment a stronger sudation might be given to the children or patients Our Clinic has got doctors to provide general anaesthesia to the patients involving children and infants when required.

Treatment of Specially Challenged Children

Children who are physically challenged may not only face problems in performing daily activities, but may also unable to maintain general and dental hygiene. Generally, these patients may require continuous assistance from loved ones to look after them.

What are the dental problems faced by children?

Physically challenged children may have limited skills, making them unable to perform routine dental care such as flossing, brushing, and using a mouthwash. Mentally challenged children may lack the cognitive skills to manage their dental needs without seeking assistance from a caregiver. Challenged children are at greater risk of developing dental caries.

Additionally, most children are exposed to gingival and periodontal problems as a result of heavy plaque and calculus deposition on the teeth. Soft tissue trauma and infections are very common in children with neuromuscular disabilities.

Managing dental problems in disabled children

Usually, dental procedures for handicapped children are carried out under conscious sedation or general anesthesia as they can become restless or may have difficulty keeping your mouth open for long period of time. Parents should give attention to children’s teeth at home.

Monitor your child during brushing, flossing and make sure he/she splits toothpaste after brushing and does not swallow it. A toothpaste containing fluoride is good for these children and prevents the risk of carrying any germs and other dental problems.

If you have any doubts regarding your child’s dental health, do not hesitate to ask our dentists to make dental care a better experience for your children.

Parents Counselling

Treatment for any dental problem is incomplete when it is performed without providing some follow up instructions. These instructions are to be followed in order to achieve a complete success of the treatment that is received from us.

During the counselling process various issues regarding the children are considered and discussed for formulating solutions to the issues. The counselling is generally conducted in the face to face form or in a semi structure form. The counselling may be carried out in the patient’s residence or in the dental clinic.

The parents who take part in the counselling process are then provided with the various qualitative measures to be followed to ensure the dental and oral health among their children. The instruction provided may also include various preventive measures to ensure the safety of the oral health. The conversation during the counselling may be audio recorded for a qualitative thematic analysis. Our Team has got excellent personals to provide counselling service regarding dental care to our patients.

Fluoride Applicaton

Fluoride is a mineral that is present in most of the food and water. Every day the minerals are lost and added to the enamel layer. These minerals are very essential ingredient in the mouth and teeth to maintain the health of the teeth. As the enamel layer get in contact with the acid from the food it loses its minerals.

The minerals from the teeth are also lost due to the attack of sugar and other bacteria. The loosing of minerals from the enamel layer of the teeth is called demineralization. When too much demineralization occurs without proper mineralization it can cause various issues to the tooth like damage and tooth decay.
Fluoride application treatment is about applying of fluoride on the teeth in order to kill the germs that could cause decay and other issues. The application of the fluoride will also help in restoring the minerals that is lost from the enamel and thus prevent the teeth from getting damage.

The application of fluoride will also reduce the loss of minerals due to the attack of acid, sugar, bacteria etc. The fluoride application is a treatment that prevents the teeth from getting damage by infection and decaying. During the treatment involving the fluoride the fluoride is directly applied to the teeth either in the form of tooth paste or liquid or gel. It also helps in providing freshness to the breath. We provide treatments involving fluoride application to children.

Habit Breaking Appliances

Certain habits among the children can result in the improper growth of the teeth. It is a common phenomenon that most children has a habit of thumb sucking, this can cause improperness on the growth of the front teeth of the baby. Kids can adopt a variety of habits that can cause bad teeth alignment.

The other Bad habits can ruin your kid’s teeth especially when it continues even after your kid is five years old. Nail biting is one among such habits seen in kids. Some kids like to breath with their mouth rather than their nose. It can be because of some nasal problems or it can simply be because they really enjoy it.

There can be different reasons for such habits for example, physiological. Efforts should be made to pin point the real reason behind these bad habits of your child because it can cause the development of your child. Doctors can make some devises to prevent your child from adopting such habits. We provide special appliance for breaking habits of children that can cause a negative aspect to their teeth.

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