Tooth Extraction

Tooth Extraction is a process by which the tooth is pulled out or removed from the patients jaw. Tooth extraction might become necessary when there is a situation where the damaged or broken tooth cannot be fixed or repaired. Tooth extraction is also performed when any tooth comes in to the way of another tooth and blocks its growth or even when a tooth causes an abnormal aesthetic issue.

There may be severe issues for the tooth extraction process to be carried out quickly so that it can prevent the spreading of decaying and infection. Tooth Extraction process involves the usage of special tools by the dentist to remove the teeth out of the jaw. Before attempts are made for the tooth extraction a general anaesthesia is provided to the patient to numb the area of the tooth extraction.

The anaesthesia can prevent the patient from feeling the pain and can even make the patient to fall into sleep during the extraction process. Once the tooth extraction is performed the bleeding is made to stop by making the patient to bite a cotton gauze pad on to the wound. The dentist may also perform the stitching on to the wounds if the extraction of the tooth has caused a severe bleeding. Once a tooth extraction is performed, it will require a minimum of three to four days for healing.

Fluoride Applicaton

Fluoride is a mineral that is present in most of the food and water. Every day the minerals are lost and added to the enamel layer. These minerals are very essential ingredient in the mouth and teeth to maintain the health of the teeth. As the enamel layer get in contact with the acid from the food it loses its minerals.

The minerals from the teeth are also lost due to the attack of sugar and other bacteria. The loosing of minerals from the enamel layer of the teeth is called demineralization. When too much demineralization occurs without proper mineralization it can cause various issues to the tooth like damage and tooth decay.

Fluoride application treatment is about applying of fluoride on the teeth in order to kill the germs that could cause decay and other issues. The application of the fluoride will also help in restoring the minerals that is lost from the enamel and thus prevent the teeth from getting damage.

The application of fluoride will also reduce the loss of minerals due to the attack of acid, sugar, bacteria etc. The fluoride application is a treatment that prevents the teeth from getting damage by infection and decaying. During the treatment involving the fluoride the fluoride is directly applied to the teeth either in the form of tooth paste or liquid or gel. It also helps in providing freshness to the breath. We provide treatments involving fluoride application to children.


Teeth Cleaning

Teeth cleaning is a process of removing plaque and tartar that have accumulated on the teeth over time. Your teeth are bathed in saliva that contains calcium and other substances that help strengthen the teeth. Dental cleaning is a part of oral hygiene and involves the removal f dental plaque from teeth with the intent to prevent gingivitis, cavities, and periodontal disease.

Dental cleaning is a process of removing tartar that may buildup at the areas that are difficult to reach in regular toothbrushing. Dental hygienists carry out the procedure. Dental cleaning includes tooth scaling, polishing and debridement. The procedure uses various devices to loosen and remove deposits from the teeth.

If the tartar builds up on the teeth, it will allow the bacteria to thrive in the mouth. The purpose of cleaning and polishing is to leave the surfaces of the teeth clean and smooth so as bacteria is unable to stick to them and have a better chance of cleaning the teeth.

Professional dental cleaning is termed as prophylaxis and prevents gum disease. In addition to this, dental cleanings also prevent certain diseases like heart disease, dementia and diabetes. It also prevents tooth loss.

Is Dental cleaning painful?

Dental cleaning is painless and creates a sensation of tickling vibrations, the cooling mist of water and the feeling of pressure during scrapping. Most people say that they enjoy cleanings and the lovely smooth feel of their teeth. There might be odd sensations but lasts only for few seconds. Your dentist will recommend various options to make the cleaning more comfortable. Only in some cases like sore gum tissues, dental cleanings can be painful.



The Dental Bleaching is also known as Teeth Whitening. It is one of the common procedures in general dentistry and is mostly performed as a part of cosmetic dentistry. This treatment makes use of materials that have the same colour as that of the enamel (the white coloured substance that covers the tooth crown), which are made to apply on teeth to attain whiter teeth. The material used in the bleaching process penetrates in to the enamel and causes altering of the colour (white).

Teeth whitening removes all stains on the teeth. The food items like cola, coffee, red wine etc can cause dullness or yellow colour on the teeth. The bleaching process for improving the appearance of the teeth can take only an hour and it can provide attractive sparkling white teeth with a five to ten shades of brightness and lightness.

The bleaching of teeth will make use of a peroxide based compound which is mostly in the form of gel to be applied on to the teeth. Once the teeth is been applied with the peroxide compound it is then made to exposed to a revolutionary light rays for an hour to attain the whiter teeth.

This type of bleaching process that makes use of light for the treatment can take up to one hour for the bleaching process. The bleaching or whitening of the teeth can also be performed with laser technology. When laser technology is used in the whitening process a higher stability and much whiter teeth is attained with lesser treatment time. The bleaching doesn’t provide a permanent whiteness for the teeth and hence the bleaching has to be performed form time to time.

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